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About Jorja Stewart

Jorja Stewart and her husband Tom were married in 1972. They reside in southern California and enjoy spending time with their 3 adult children, 2 sons-in law, and a growing number of grandchildren.
They fill their “empty nest” by hosting missionaries and other visitors.
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Marriage Version of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
This is my marriage version of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8: Love is patient. Don't force your agenda upon the other person, but rather, wait patiently until an agreement has been reached that satisfies both of you. Love is kind. Do nice things for each other, and be...
God’s What & Why
I have learned over time that my spiritual calling is to understand what God wants me to do and then do it, but I shouldn't try to figure out His reasons because, most likely, I'll be wrong about that. I'll share 3 examples. When our disabled son was a teenager, God...
Discussion Questions for any blog post (except Poetry & Resources)
(1) What thoughts came to mind after reading this? (2) Were any ideas new to you? If so, what? (3) Was the article helpful? Why or why not? Explain. (4) Was there anything you disagreed with? If so, what and why? Application: (a) How might you apply this in your life?...