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Love Is Not Self-Seeking


The Bible says love “…is not self-seeking…” (1 Corinthians 13:5)

Selfishness can be very subtle, and sometimes I need the Lord’s help in seeing it in myself, but I think it’s safe to say that I’m guilty daily of at least selfish thoughts, if not actions. To be honest, without the Lord’s help, I care more about my feelings and needs than I do about the other person’s.


Why am I impatient? Because, selfishly, I want things to happen according to my time table. Why am I impatient at times with people? Because they aren’t doing things the way I want them to. When am I unkind? When I’m so focused on my feelings that I don’t stop to consider the other person’s feelings before I speak or act. Why do I envy? Because I want what the other person has (people’s admiration or their possessions, etc.). Why would I boast of my accomplishments? Because I want to bring attention to myself. Why would I not treat another person’s opinions with respect? Because my self-centered pride was convinced that my opinion mattered more. Why would I interrupt someone when they’re speaking? Because I’m more interested in expressing my thoughts than in hearing theirs. Everything that God’s love isn’t is wrapped up in a self-centered attitude.


In short, any unloving behavior on my part is most likely rooted in selfishness. How thankful I am to have the Lord’s help in battling this!

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