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The Proper Attitude


“Do everything without complaining or arguing…” (Philippians 2:14, NIV.) He “…takes a genuine interest in your welfare.” (Philippians 2:20, NIV) (The emphasis is mine.)

What a glorious world this would be if everyone lived like this! I am well aware of how my self-indulgent, self-focused sinful human nature struggles with this! When things don’t go my way, I’m very tempted to complain or argue.

Apathy is another by-product of self-focus. When I’m caught up in my own life and personal concerns, it’s challenging to have genuine concern for the needs of others.

I have been guilty, for example, of only half listening to someone while my mind wanders in other directions. But if I’m genuinely concerned about their welfare, I will give them my full attention.

It is always a challenge for me to sacrifice my personal comfort and my time for others, and to set aside my desires in the interest of achieving peace through compromise.

I’m so thankful I have the Holy Spirit to change my heart and empower me to better live the sacrificial, other-focused life! I look forward to the day Christ will reign on earth and we’ll all be perfectly unselfish!

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