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Let the Lord Serve You

1 comment

Posted 2015.

At the last supper, when Jesus knelt to wash Peter’s feet, Peter objected. But when the Lord said it was necessary, Peter allowed it. At a recent Good Friday service, I was not even as obedient as Peter.

In one of my Bible studies, we’ve been taking the perspective of seeing Jesus in every person, serving even the annoying ones the way we would serve Him. And if I see Him in people, then I should also be willing to allow them to serve me. I failed to do so on Good Friday.

At our church service, one of the optional stations we can go to during worship is a foot washing station. Katherine, a gal who’s living with us, asked if she could wash my feet. I regret to say that I declined because it was outside of my comfort zone. The Holy Spirit nudged me to change my mind, but unlike Peter, I didn’t.

Humility is a key attribute of Jesus. We need to learn how to humbly serve and humbly receive. Both in giving and in receiving, I need to be willing to step out of my comfort zones. I know that pride and selfishness are what keep me in those comfort zones.

On this Easter Sunday, I’m praying that the resurrected Lord will resurrect my spirit and restore that “first love” passion and zeal that responds appropriately to the promptings of His Holy Spirit. Fortunately for me, He is able to do all things! That is the hope and glory of Easter: God keeps His promises! And He promised to complete the good work He began in me! (Phil. 1:6)


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1 Comment

  1. Judy Eastman

    Thank you, Jorja, for humbling sharing your failure. It is obvious the Lord has done a work in your heart. Thank you for being willing to expose yourself for His glory!

    Hope your Easter was the best! Praising Him, Judy


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