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Pray Like Jesus Did

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In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus showed us how to pray. In his humanness, he did not want to suffer on the cross, and he let his heavenly Father know his feelings. But then he surrendered his will and prayed, “Yet not as I will, but as you will.” “…may your will be done.” (Matthew 26:39 & 42)

I am very thankful that God patiently and lovingly listens as I pour out my feelings and desires to Him. I need that release of emotion. But I’m even more thankful when He empowers me to surrender my will to His, trusting that His plans are better than mine. It is fine to ask for what I want, as long as I recognize that what I want may not be God’s best for me or for the person I’m praying for. Once I’ve voiced my concerns and desires, I need to follow Jesus’ example and conclude my prayer with “Your will be done, Lord”.

God also reminded me that I need to be careful to pray according to Scripture. I can’t know God’s specific will for someone else unless I’m claiming a promise stated in the Bible. I was once guilty of telling someone I thought God was leading me to pray a certain way for them. (But it was not a Scriptural promise.) I need to beware of that. When people are seeking God’s guidance in making difficult decisions, the last thing they need is human opinions! My opinions are often influenced by my emotions, which are not always trustworthy.

So, I must remember this: share my feelings openly with God, but be very cautious and prayerful about what I say to others! I sure don’t want to be guilty of stumbling anyone into making a decision that goes against God’s perfect will for them!

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1 Comment

  1. Clarita Gustafson

    Jorja: I read ALL the wonderful tips for living a more peaceful life. Thank you so much, God continue to richly bless you, Tom and your family at large, with love Clarita Gustafson


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